Senin, 11 April 2022

Download Cfw Ps3 4.83 Overflow Cobra Edition Modern

md5 : a0b9dc54b4373e4afe17f4b0d8b86de4

password :

Tutorial cara Update nya :
  1. Download file nya diatas note : tunggu 5 detik kemudian skip ads
  2. Tunggu hingga tamat download.
  3. Copy file "PS3" terdapat dalam folder yang telah diextract filenya tadi.
  4. Hidupkan PlayStation 3 kemudian masukan flashdisk pada slot pertama.
  5. Menu settings pilih Network Settings kemudian Internet Conection "disable".
  6. Menu settings pilih Sytem Update .
  8. Konfirmasi file akan timbul "enter".
  9. User Agreement pencet kanan dpad.
  10. Pilih accept.
  11. Tidak perlu dicentang, kalau dicentang dikala tamat update sytem otomatis mati.
  12. Tunggu hingga ps3 restart. system sukses diupdate :D

Features of this cfw :
* Built from 4.83 ofw
* LV0- All security checks disabled
* LV0- AppLdr patched to disable sig checks on pkgs
* LV1- Disabled lv2 protection
* LV1- Disabled Hash Checks
* LV1- Added Peek & Poke
* Lv1- Added mmap-function 114
* Lv1- ACL checks removed
* LV2- Added Peek & Poke
* LV2- Lv1 peek & poke support
* Games with 4.83 keys and lower will start
* Added app/home
* Added option to xmb Install Packages with three paths (USB or HDD or DOWNLOAD to usb option)
* Warning message disabled for faster boot time
* Update from any cfw up to 4.83 and 3.55 ofw
* QA flag compatable
* Both dex and cex packages supported
* React psn compatability
* (Cobra 7.3 lite)Changed some stage2 functions and also made some small clean ups for smoother code exicution
* Has webman integrated (fan control disabled by default)
* Update from disc disabled (prevents accidental update to ofw from disc)
* Visual updated
* Cinavia protection disabled for disc and hdd
* Some trophy sync errors removed/bypassed
* Remote play supported on non Son# product
* ingame screenshots supported
* psp drm checks disabled
* Removed annoying singstar icon
* fselfs are native (debug/dex files like eboots run)
* Added option to visit you tube channels and websites (pre selected some helpful ones like psx place, ngu and ps3hax)
* Added download and install to what's new in psn column (updated packages will be sent to the ps3 when they are available, option in boxed tools to clear cache and check for updates will update download list) Massive thanks to PS3 Extra and devil_303
* Added Restart System options to power options in xmb user column
